Ma. Elena Estebal commented on research synergy's event Open Attendee for 8th International Conference on Entrepreneurship Studies, Business, Economy, and Management Science (8th ESBEM)
"I am attending this event.
May 28
Ma. Elena Estebal is going to Open Attendee for 8th International Conference on Entrepreneurship Studies, Business, Economy, and Management Science (8th ESBEM)
May 28
Ma. Elena Estebal is going to Open Attendee for Jakarta International Conference on Research Innovation and Sustainable Development 2023 (JICRISD 2023)
Nov 30, 2023
Ma. Elena Estebal is going to Open Attendee for 8th International conference on Interdisciplinary Research on Education, Economic studies, Business and Social Sciences (8th RESBUS)
Nov 5, 2023
Ma. Elena Estebal is going to Open Attendee for The Bakrie International Conference on Communication, Management, Politics & Accounting (BICOMPACT 2023)
Oct 17, 2023
Ma. Elena Estebal is going to Open Attendee for The International Conference of Sustainable Transportation and Safety Management (ICSTSM)
Sep 26, 2023
Ma. Elena Estebal posted a status
Attending the conference right now, gained insights from the paper presenters. Congratulations to the organizing committee.
Sep 19, 2023
Ma. Elena Estebal is going to Open Attendee for “International Conference on Economics, Business, Science, and Technology (ICE-BEST)"
Sep 19, 2023
Ma. Elena Estebal is now a member of Research Synergy Foundation Community Platform
Sep 19, 2023