Angelica Fortuna is going to The 2nd International Conference on Industrial and Systems Engineering, Technology, Innovation, and Management (2nd ICISETIM)
Sep 3
Angelica Fortuna posted a status
By implementing these strategies, educators can create a collaborative learning environment that minimizes freeloading and ensures that all students actively contribute to and benefit from group work. Clear roles, regular monitoring, peer and…
Jul 23
Angelica Fortuna liked Angelica Fortuna's profile
Jul 3
Angelica Fortuna liked Michael Warren Ceballos's profile
Jul 3
Angelica Fortuna is going to The 8th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Business, Economy, Management, and Social Studies (8th IBEMS) Virtual Open Attendee
Jul 3
Angelica Fortuna is now a member of Research Synergy Foundation Community Platform
Jul 3