
At the ISTILMA Keynote Speaker Session, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Winai Dahlan. The Founding Director of The Halal Science Center Chulalongkorn University (HSCCU), delivered a speech about Application of Halal Scitech & Digitech for Supporting Fatwa on Halal in Thailand. The participants were all excited to learn new insights from Assoc. Prof. Dr. Winai Dahlan and are welcomed to share their insight or ask question in this forum. There were some questions and comments from the participants to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Winai Dahlan.

Q1) Qusay Achmad -> Bismillah, my name is Qusay Achmad Fauzi from Faculty of Islamic Study at Islamic University of Kalimantan. I would like to ask to prof. Dr. Winai Dahlan about what strategies can be implemented to effectively identify and prevent adulteration  in the halal  industry, ensuring the integrity of halal certification and cconsumer trust?

Q2) prihatini mayvita -> My name is Prihatini Ade Mayvita from faculty of economic at Islamic University of Kalimantan. I would like to ask to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Winai Dahlan about how can blockchain and IoT technologies contribute to strengthening the integrity of the halal supply chain in Thailand, ensuring compliance with halal regulations?

Q3) Zakie Mubarak -> Thank you for the material presented. My name is Muhammad Zakie Mubarak from the faculty of social and political sciences at the Islamic University of Kalimantan. I would like to ask about, if a Muslim goes to Thailand, how do they know that the food is halal? Is there a halal label issued by the government of Thailand?

Q4) Rahmi Widyanti -> Thank you Prof. Winai Dahlan for the enlightenment about halal products. I would like to know about cosmetic products that contain non-halal ingredients such as pork fat, and other parts. Would you please explain whether there is already a halal label for cosmetic or skincare products in Thailand. Thank you

Q5) Juliana -> Assalamu'alaikum, let me introduce myself, my name is Juliana, I am from the Islamic economics study program at the University of Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari Banjarmasin, I would like to ask about the discussion on the Application of Halal Scitech & Digitech to Support Fatwa on Halal in Thailand, it is very interesting to know, previously thank you for the knowledge and insight conveyed by Prof. Dr. Winai Dahlan, I would like to ask a question, my question is How can Halal Scitech & Digitech increase the competitiveness of Thai halal products in the international market?, please answer and I say thank you, wassalamualaikum

Q6) UNISKA­ Banjarmasin, Indonesian_Muhammad Firdaus -> Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Assalamualalaikum Wr.Wb sir..🙏, introduction my self, my name is Muhammad Firdaus from Islamic University of Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad al Banjari Banjarmasin, Indonesian. My question from material is the for Mr. Prof. Dr. Winai Dahlan about can blockhain and knowledge for Allah SWT. has given technologies contribute from low until the high during the jahiliyah era and until now.., How to become aware of technology during-I9 in countries around the world and Indonesia ? Thank you 

Q7) Muthia Harnida -> Let me introduce myself. My name is Muthia Harnida. My question is to deliver to MR. Khuzaini. My Question is How prepared are Indonesian MSMEs in terms of digital literacy, and what specific training or development initiatives would help accelerate their digital transformation?

Q8) Noorizzatil Qamariah -> Thank You Prof Dr. Winai Dahlan.. My name is Noorizzatil Qamariah from the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Kalimantan Islamic University, I want to ask 'how long does the halal checking process for a food/medicine product take in the halal forensic laboratory.

The Audience can continue the discussion in this forum. Enjoy the discussion, and see you at the upcoming conference at https://bit.ly/RSF-UpcomingConference

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