

The International Conference on Islamic Studies, Law and Management (ISTILMA) was held successfully on 15 October 2024. Organized by Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari Banjarmasin and Research Synergy Foundation (RSF), this conference was held virtually through the online platform.

This conference explore the intersection of basic principles with contemporary issues of sustainability, Islamic studies, law, and economics. This conference seeks to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration among scholars, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to address the challenges and opportunities with field of study of Management, Digital Business, Islamic Economic, Finance, Law, Islamic Law, Social Science, and Marketing.

The conference has successfully gathered speakers, participants, scientific reviewer, session chair, and attendees from more than 12+ countries around the globe, such as Indonesia, United Kingdom, Thailand, Malaysia, Pakistan, India, Srilanka, USA, Phillipines, Saudi Arabia, Brunei Darussalam, Nigeria, and many more.

In the session. With the list of presenters and research titles:

Paper id: LMA24103
Presenter: M Qoshid Al Hadi
Title: Understanding the Intention Behind Muslim Consumers’ Decision to Purchase Green Products

Q1) Rahmi Widyanti : Assalamu'alaikum wrwb. I would like to know about your statistical tool test. I am wondering what the reason you used PLS as statistical tool test in your research. Thank you

Paper id: 499822
Presenter: S. Purnamasari
Title: Women’s Religiousity Pasar Terapung Traders Banjarmasin and Sharia Pawnshop Customer Decisions

Q1) hj. RINA FEKON -> Assalamualaikum my name is Rina , i want to ask to Purnama . what is expected from this research by the researcher and this will be followed up ? .Thank you

Q2) prihatini mayvita -> Assalamu’alaikum wrwb, I would like to know what are the reasons why female traders make up the population and is it related to economic institutions?

Q3) From UNISKA­ Banjarmasin, Indonesian_Muhammad Firdaus -> Assalamualaikum Wr..Wb..🙏, my name is Daus.. , I question material for ms. Purnama . How is purpose from this research by the Pasar Terapung and these will be following up ? Thank you Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb..🙏🙏

Paper id: 635515
Presenter: Yunisa Fitriana
Title: Physical Capital Accumulation within the Framework of Islamic Economics as an Empowerment Asset for Dayak Meratus Muallaf in South Kalimantan (Profit-sharing-Mudharabah)


Paper id: LMA24109
Presenter: Roja Putera Mahyudin
Title: Decoding Market Efficiency: A Multifractal Approach to Financial Market Dynamics

Q1) Rahmi Widyanti -> I would like to know about how could to a multifractal approach to prediction when a good time for doing investment at the any country. Thank you

Paper id: LMA24108
Presenter: Prihatini Ade Mayvita
Title: Resilience and Sustainability of Muslim Entrepreneurs of Gen Z in Era 5.0 : A Conceptual Approach

Q1) hj. RINA FEKON -> Assalamualaikum my name is Rina . I want ask to Ade . How do digital innovation and green marketing contribute to the resilience of muslim Gen Z entrepreneurs ?

Q2) From Rahmi Widyanti -> I would like to know what kind of approach for Muslim Gen Z to be successful in entrepreneurship.

Q3) From S. Purnamasari -> Excuseme. Question for Mrs. Ade. What are the challenges Muslim Gen Z entrepreneurs face when implementing green marketing, and how can these be overcome?

Paper id: 166143
Presenter: Rina
Title: Marketing Resilience Strategy in an Era of Uncertainty


We invite all participants to discuss or ask questions related to the material shared by the presenters in this forum.
The presenter and the audience can continue the discussion in this forum. Enjoy the discussion, and see you at the upcoming conference at https://bit.ly/RSF-UpcomingConference

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