
International Psychology Conference on Mental Health and Resilience (IPC-MHR) was an outstanding event held on February 22, 2024.

IPC-MHR is hosted by the Faculty of Psychology of Universitas Islam Bandung and Research Synergy Foundation.

Hundred of scholars coming from 20+ countries had involved in the active scientific forum discussion. The discussion went smooth and there were questions coming from the participants:


Q1) MARC SANDY CATUNAO to Abrar Hussain: How do probiotics compare to traditional treatments for mental health disorders?


Q2) Laksmi P. Adaninggar to Abrar Hussain: Question: Is the kind of the commercial probiotics dan prebiotics like yogurt which can be buy at grocery stores can help for treating mental health?


Q3) Ayu Larasati to Priya S: Is this method effective to all range of depression? (Mild-severe depression) 

Answer from Priya S: this method of CBT is not effective in all cases. Severity can be treated with medication ..to support the client we can give BCBT to handle daily activities with family support


Q4) Zeba Maliha Anannya to Priya S: What are the different types of prosocial behavior, and how do they impact individuals and society as a whole?


Q5) Laksmi P. Adaninggar to Herlina: What your suggestion for educate the parents who already receive knowledge to handle the special need child but still feel incompetent?


Q6) Ali Mubarak to Siti Mutya Lutfiani: What is the technique sampling that use in this research?

We invite all participants to discuss or ask questions related to the material shared by the presenters in this forum.

The presenter and the audience can continue the discussion in this forum. Enjoy the discussion, and see you at the upcoming conference at https://bit.ly/RSF-UpcomingConference

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