12219371092?profile=RESIZE_710xThe International Conference of UNAIR Postgraduate School (ICPS 2023) was an outstanding event held on September 5, 2023

The ICPS 2023 is a conference collaboration program between  by The Postgraduate School of Universitas Airlangga and Research Synergy Foundation (RSF). This conference was held on Virtual platform and has 

given a chance to increase knowledge among researchers found ideas for further research, and new found research and collaboration opportunities.

Hundred of scholars coming from 28 countries had involved in the active scientific forum discussion. Since there were many questions and feedback from the audience to the presenters,


Q1.) Ian C. Carlos: What are the coping mechanisms and support systems utilized by government employees to manage psychosocial stressors in their work environment?

Q2.)  Dhyah Guritno : The conclusion shows that as the psychosocial condition good the performance of the organisation is good. Is there no other factors influencing organisations performance? (e.g employee competency, corporate culture?

Q3.) Aries Pratama Putra : Can organizational commitment also be a variable that influences employee psychology in achieving optimal performance at BPPK?

Q4.) C. Carlos : What intervention or strategies can organizations implement to foster authentic leadership and a positive organizational culture that enhances employee satisfaction and, in turn, performance?

 Q5.) HAU_Dan Olazo : Considering the relatively small sample size, how did you ensure that the data collection process remained unbiased and reliable? Could you please elaborate on the methods or measures you employed to mitigate potential biases in your study?

Q6.) HAU_Dan Olazo : Based on the results of your study, can you identify specific aspects of authentic organizational culture that appear to be significant contributors to employee performance and satisfaction? Additionally, what specific actions or recommendations do you propose based on these findings?

Q7.) Aries Pratama Putra : did you calculate the Variance Accounted For (VAF) to find out how much influence the mediation value had between X1-Z-Y and X2-Z-Y variables?

Q8.) C. Carlos : How do entrepreneurial education, family environment, and entrepreneurial self-efficacy COLLECTIVELY INFLUENCE the entrepreneurial intention of students and for shaping their intentions toward entrepreneurship?

Q9.) Aries Pratama Putra : Can the convenience factor of digital technology such as e-commerce in today's digitalization era also be one of the drivers of one's entrepreneurial interest?

Q10.) Enge Christina : In an ever-changing business landscape, how can companies develop and maintain a sustainable competitive advantage that sets them apart from their competitors and ensures long-term success?" and "What are some lesser-known strategies or approaches that companies can employ to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage in a highly competitive industry?

Q11.) dr Leong:  Berdasarkan penemuan Anda, apa yang harus dilakukan seseorang jika ingin meneliti tentang Sustainable Competitive Advantage?

Q12.) pramudya anindito : Hello I am Dito from UAJY. Thanks for the opportunity. From your previous explanation, why is the Human Resource pillar needed by industry in Indonesia to transform towards Industry 4.0?

Q13.) Enge Christina : hi iam Enge from Unair. nice presentation. What are the key challenges and opportunities associated with implementing that evaluation measures, and how can they effectively guide organizations in optimizing their human resources strategies to foster a sustainable transformation towards Industry 4.0?"

Q14.) Davina : Dear Andita, how is the process of selecting the small and medium industry as the object study

Q15.) Anditya Sentana Maulana : Dear Andita, how does the evaluation of human resources pillars in the Industry Readiness Index contribute to the transformation of industries towards Industry 4.0, and what key insights or findings have emerged from this evaluation?

We invite all participants to discuss or ask questions related to the material shared by the presenters in this forum. 

The presenter and the audience can continue the discussion in this forum. Enjoy the discussion, and see you at the upcoming conference at https://bit.ly/RSF-UpcomingConference

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