
8th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Business, Economy, Management, and Social Studies (8th IBEMS) organized by Research Synergy Foundation was an outstanding event held on July 3, 2024.

Scholars coming from 16+ countries had involved in the active scientific forum discussion. The discussion went smooth and there were questions coming from the participants. The Session Chair on this Split Room 2 Session 1 Presentation Session is Leilidyn Zurbano from Polytechnic University of the Philippines Lopez, Quezon Branch and Ms. Enen from Universiti Malaya, Malaysia In the session, with list of presenter and research title:



Paper ID: BEM24138

Presenter: Jaeseok Yun - Korea University

Title: ""A Study on the Linkage between UN SDGs and ISO Standard Documents Using Text Mining Techniques""

Paper ID: BEM24134

Presenter: Alfiatul Khairiyah - Universitas Gadjah Mada

Title: ""The Workload of Rural Women in Unpaid Work Amid Land Conversion Conflict on Madura Island, Indonesia"

Paper ID: BEM24144

Presenter: Yuwarat Srisupawong - King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi

Title: ""Development of a PID Controller Learning Module with a Mobile Robot for Electrical Technology Education Students""

Paper ID:  BEM24145

Presenter: Eky Teguh Saputra - Universitas Haluoleo

Tittle: ""The Influence of Destination Attributes and Tourist Orientation on Tourism Visit Decisions""

Paper ID: BEM24147

Presenter: Normayana - Universitas Haluoleo

Tittle: ""Employee Performance: The Impact of Work Motivation and Physical Work Environment"""

Paper ID: BEM24148

Presenter: Dino Morlan Gobriyas - Universitas Haluoleo

Tittle: ""The Effect of Working Capital Management on Profitability in Small Fishery Industries in Kendari City""

"Paper ID: BEM24137

Presenter: Dorren Arenque - Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Tittle: ""TIC-TOC: Technology-Integrated Coordination for Task Organization and Compliance of High School Students in the Philippines""


We invite all participants to discuss or ask questions related to the material shared by the presenters in this forum.

The presenter and the audience can continue the discussion in this forum. Enjoy the discussion, and see you at the upcoming conference at https://bit.ly/RSF-UpcomingConference

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