
8th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Business, Economy, Management, and Social Studies (8th IBEMS) organized by Research Synergy Foundation was an outstanding event held on July 3, 2024.

Scholars coming from 16+ countries had involved in the active scientific forum discussion. The discussion went smooth and there were questions coming from the participants. The Session Chair on this Split Room 2 Session 1 Presentation Session is Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih from Universitas Islam Bandung, Indonesia In the session, with list of presenter and research title:

Paper ID: BEM24135

Presenter: Enen - Universiti Malaya

Title: ""Understanding Continuance Intention of 5G Users: A Multi-group Approach"""

Paper ID: BEM24106

Presenter: Andi Irpan Badawi - Gadjah Mada University

Title: ""The Problems of Local Salt Farming: Low Welfare of Salt Farmers and the Consequences of Neoliberalism"""

Paper ID: BEM24119

Presenter: Veronica Almase - Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Title: ""Understanding Indigenous Perspectives: A Qualitative Exploration of Sustainable Intervention Program Needs"""

Paper ID: BEM24112

Presenter: Joel Magtibay - Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Title: ""Leadership Training Course for Higher Education Institutions Faculty in Quezon Province Using Sam Model"""


We invite all participants to discuss or ask questions related to the material shared by the presenters in this forum.

The presenter and the audience can continue the discussion in this forum. Enjoy the discussion, and see you at the upcoming conference at https://bit.ly/RSF-UpcomingConference



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