
8th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Business, Economy, Management, and Social Studies (8th IBEMS) organized by Research Synergy Foundation was an outstanding event held on July 3, 2024.

Scholars coming from 16+ countries had involved in the active scientific forum discussion. The discussion went smooth and there were questions coming from the participants. The Session Chair on this Split Room 1 Session 1 Presentation Session is Prof. Mei-chun Cheung from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong In the session, with list of presenter and research title:


Paper ID: BEM24128

Presenter: Abbott Po Shun chen - Chaoyang University of Technology

Title: ""Big Data Analytics for E-commerce Decision"""

Paper ID: BEM24102

Presenter: Leilidyn Zurbano - Polytechnic University of the Philippines Lopez, Quezon Branch

Title: ""Vegetable Crop Production in Lopez, Quezon: Basis for a Sustainable Crop Production Action Plan"""

Paper ID: BEM24142

Presenter:  Nuttapon Punpugdee - Kasetsart University

Title: ""The Impact of Work Behaviors of Inter-City Truck

Drivers on Economic Losses from Road Accidents."""

Paper ID: BEM24139

Presenter:  Mahmudah Nur Cahyaningrum - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Title: ""Student Responses to Personal Digital Inquiry (PDI) Learning Integrated With Citizen Science Project (CSP) on Biodiversity Material in Senior High School"""


We invite all participants to discuss or ask questions related to the material shared by the presenters in this forum.

The presenter and the audience can continue the discussion in this forum. Enjoy the discussion, and see you at the upcoming conference at https://bit.ly/RSF-UpcomingConference

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