
At the 4th ICLET Keynote Speaker Session, Dr. Rasmitadila, from University of Universitas Djuanda, Bogor, Indonesia delivered a speech about Student teacher's perception of the relevancy of theory and practice in inclusive classrooms based on internship experiences. The participants were all excited to learn new insights from Dr. Rasmitadila, M.Pd. and are welcomed to share their insight or ask question in this forum. There were some questions and comments from the participants to Dr. Rasmitadila, M.Pd.: 

Q1) Farell Relacion - Misamis University -->  From your experience, what additional support or resources do you feel would have enhanced your ability to apply theory to practice in inclusive classrooms?

Q2) Abayazeed -->  From your own experience how do you do class of various students more supportive

Q3) Jerome G. Razon -->  We observed how the country of Japan took waste products seriously and created harmonious collaboration between experts who conduct studies and provide recommendations to solve the waste product problem and the participation of each Japanese to manage and eliminate the problem.

Q4) Lanna Cariño --> Is it applicable in the public education system?

Q5) Zhinan -->Are there possible creative solutions you suggest I can take to ensure every student feel comfortable and happy to get involved in their class discussion?

Q7) ANNA SOPHIA LONGAZA --> How do you properly diagnose students with disability esp those with cognitive disability?

Q8) Nargloric C. Utanes --> Are classroom teachers qualified to qualify/classify that a learner has a cognitive disability (or at least "special"?

Q9) Ira Mhae Villasoto --> How do you communicate with parents that their child has special needs? And how do you handle parents who are in denial of their child having those special needs?

Q10) Joan E. Mina --> How to engage the students in a collaboration way of teaching if the students today don't want to participate in class discussion.

The Audience can continue the discussion in this forum. Enjoy the discussion, and see you at the upcoming conference at https://bit.ly/RSF-UpcomingConference

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