The 4th International Conference of Islamic Epistemology is held by Universitas Al-Azhar Indonesia in partnership with Research Synergy Foundation, co-hosted by Universitas Islam As-Syafi’iyah, International Institute of Islamic Thought, and Universitas Islam Indonesia virtually on 7-8 August 2023. Hundred of scholars coming from 20 countries had involved in the active scientific forum discussion. Since there were many questions and feedback from the audience to the presenters, we will continue the discussion in this forum. This session is chaired by Dr. Visal Moosa from the Islamic University of Maldives, Maldives.

On the following tracks and presenters, there were several questions coming from the participants:

Islamic studies


12178649298?profile=RESIZE_710xQ1.) Didin Hadi Saputra --> How the principle of wasati principles can be used in preventing radicalism in Islamic societies in Indonesia (Didin Hadi Saputra from university of Nahdlatul Wathan Mataram NTB Indonesia)


Q2.) Dr. AAMIR To Everyone --> Is there any key difference between radical and moderate Islam?


2. Supriyanto Abdi  |  Title: Epistemological Openness and Fluidity in Progressive Muslim Thought12178648465?profile=RESIZE_710x

Q1.) Didin Hadi Saputra --> What does openness and epistemological fluidity mean in the context of Islamic thought? And how can such openness and epistemological fluidity contribute to renewal in the Islamic intellectual tradition in Indonesia?

Q2.) Santi Rahmawati-RSF --> Thank you for sharing Dr. Interesting research. I have a question, how to encourage the willingness to dialogue critically with various tradition of thought?



1. Nurul Hasanah Fajaria  |  Title: The Development of English Module for Pharmacy using Contextual Approach


Q1.) Misbah Fikrianto_UIA --> Could you explain about the strucuture of modul, especially for individual task


2. Qurrota 'Ayun Evaluation  |  Title: Research on Lecturers' Pedagogical Competence of UIA


Q1.) Santi Rahmawati-RSF --> Thank you for sharing Dr, It is great to know that this research has direct implication to the university (UIA). Any particular reason why choosing the sixth semester of undergraduate students as your respondents?

Q2.) Didin Hadi Saputra --> I have two question, First, what is the reaction and response of UIA lecturers to the results of their pedagogical competence evaluation? Second, what is the role of UIA administrators in supporting the pedagogical competence of lecturers, thank you 🙏


We invite all participants to discuss or ask questions related to the material shared by the presenters in this forum. 

live streaming on facebook click here

The presenter and the audience can continue the discussion in this forum. Enjoy the discussion, and see you at the upcoming conference at


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