
At the 3rd ICMRSI Keynote Speaker Session, Prof. Dr. Ing. Krishna S. Pribadi from Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I, Indonesia delivered a speech about Developing Sustainable and Disaster Resilient Infrastructure in Indonesia Issues and Challanges. The participants were all excited to learn new insights from Prof. Dr. Ing. Krishna S. Pribadi and are welcomed to share their insight or ask question in this forum. There were some questions and comments from the participants to Prof. Dr. Ing. Krishna S. Pribadi:

Q1) LLOYD RANISES --> Dr. Krishna Suryanto Pribadi. Would you also consider the role of the community important in the resilient infrastructure implementation in Indonesia especially, that Indonesia is prone to active volcanic activities? What is the role of the community in the resilient infrastructure implementation?

Q2) Reni Dian Octaviani -->  Dear Prof. Krishna, I have a question. How does the active participation of local populations assist to the creation and maintenance of resilient infrastructure in Indonesia, given the country's vulnerability to volcanic activity?
Q3) Riri Nasirly_ITP2I_Pelalawan -->  Dear Prof. Krishna, What do you think about the development of sustainable road materials using plastic waste? Can it be implemented in Indonesia?
Q4) Tita Hasanah --> Thank you, Prof for the presentation. In your literature review, do you find the research about prevention action such as effort to increase student knowledge about disasters?
Q5) Augustinus Rujito -->  Good morning Prof Khrishna. There are facts about IKN development from cost constraints to threat of flooding.

Q6) Arie Rihardini Sundari --> Thank you prof Krisna for the comprehensive presentation. Would you like to explain how important the resilience community to have SDRI?

The Audience can continue the discussion in this forum. Enjoy the discussion, and see you at the upcoming conference at https://bit.ly/RSF-UpcomingConference


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