
At the 3rd ICMRSI Keynote Speaker Session, Assoc. Prof. Ahmed Mansouri from University of Batna 1, Algeria, Indonesia delivered a speech about Waste Management System. The participants were all excited to learn new insights from Assoc. Prof. Ahmed Mansouri and are welcomed to share their insight or ask question in this forum. There were some questions and comments from the participants to Assoc. Prof. Ahmed Mansouri: 

Q1) Leonid Lintag - CICS -->  Can we or how can we achieve zero waste in our society?

Answer Q1

I believe zero waste goal is quite impossible to achieve. However, reducing waste to an ideal rate is possible. This depends on several factors, i.e: technology, policies and involvement of society.




Q2) 10-Sulaeman -->  how we gonna a make people understand about waste recycle..thanks.  it's dealing human behaviour.

Answer Q2

It depends on: (1) the involvement of civil organizations that would help citizens understand the crucialness of environmental issues, and (2) a legislative strategy related to waste management.




Q3) Jerome G. Razon -->  We observed how the country of Japan took waste products seriously and created harmonious collaboration between experts who conduct studies and provide recommendations to solve the waste product problem and the participation of each Japanese to manage and eliminate the problem.

Answer Q3

Japan based its approach on a pragmatic legislative strategy and efficient research plans focused on the management of waste. This could not be possible is the society was not cooperative.




Q4) Tita Hasanah --> Thank you, Prof for the presentation. In your literature review, do you find the research about prevention action such as effort to increase student knowledge about disasters?

Answer Q4

Environmental issues are an important part of the current educational system in Japan. This means that different researches are focused on how to involve students and children in protecting the environment.





Q5) AEDMUNDO TUCAY --> Japan has been forced to implement innovative waste management strategies, including recycling, waste-to-energy incineration, and strict regulations on waste disposal. With this, what was the general and national approach that Japan had campaigned that includes the young generation.

Answer Q5

Japanese society is a disciplined one. This goes back to hundreds years ago and has different historical, political, sociological and cultural backgrounds. Each environmental initiative does necessarily involve young generations beginning from kindergartens.




Q6) Arie Rihardini Sundari --> Thank you prof Krisna for the comprehensive presentation. Would you like to explain how important the resilience community to have SDRI?

Answer Q6

This question is not related to my presentation.




Q7) Taha --> As you mentioned, the implementation requires considering several dimensions, what are the most important aspects to consider first?

Answer Q7

There exist four general dimensions in sustainability, that is to say: environment, society, economy and politics. All are important and crucial. However, I believe political and social dimensions are the most important.




Q8) Rahmat Santoso_Bhakti Kencana University --> How to solve the problem of waste, because there are too many waste disposal transportation services, not waste treatment services, not to mention the cost that is too expensive for business sector?

Answer Q8

It is difficult to answer this question in few sentences. I believe efficiency in waste disposal and recycling depends mainly on operational research strategies to find best solutions to waste management and reduction of waste disposal costs.

The Audience can continue the discussion in this forum. Enjoy the discussion, and see you at the upcoming conference at https://bit.ly/RSF-UpcomingConference

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