
The 2nd International Conference on Economics, Business, Science, and Technology (2nd ICE-BEST) was held successfully on 30-31 October 2024. Organized by Universitas Teknologi Muhammadiyah Jakarta and Research Synergy Foundation (RSF), this conference was held Hybrid at Ramada by Wyndham Istanbul City Center, Istanbul, Turkey & through the online platform.

This conference explore the intersection of basic principles with contemporary issues of sustainability, Islamic studies, law, and economics. This conference seeks to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration among scholars, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to address the challenges and opportunities with field of study of Finance, Management, Accounting, Economics, Operations management, Marketing, Education, Sustainaibility Studies, Technopreneurship, Marine and Fisheries, and many more.

The conference has successfully gathered speakers, participants, scientific reviewer, session chair, and attendees from more than 13+ countries around the globe, such as Indonesia, Turkey, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Philippines, Morocco, Pakistan, India, Thailand, USA, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and many more.

In the session. With the list of presenters and research titles:

Paper id: BST24119
Presenter: Putra Afriansyah Chatra
Title: The Influence of Motivation and Job Satisfaction on Employees Job Achievement In PT. Samudra Jaya Shipping


Paper id: BST24106
Presenter: Maria
Title: Und


Paper id: BST24132
Kiagus Amin
Optimizing Taxpayer Compliance Through Tax Counseling and Sanctions With Taxpayer Awareness As A Mediating Variable


Paper id: BST24113
Endra Mulanto
The Impact of Work Discipline and Internal Communication on Employee Performance at PT Kawasan Berikat Nusantara (Cakung Head office)


Paper id: BST24143
Gokmatua Parulian Steavany
How Training and Work Motivation Affect the Work Performance of Crew Members on the CS Nusantara Explorer Ship


Paper id: BST24120
Deni Farhan
The Influence of Work Commitment and Interpersonal Communication on The Job Satisfaction of Crews on The Vessel Mt Sindang


Paper id: BST24130
Melky Marthen Yuli
The Effect of Recruitment and Training on the Work Performance of Subdit patroli air Members in Ditpolair Korpolairud Baharkam Polri


Paper id: BST24116
Randa Agung
The Impact of Work Discipline, Work Spirit, and Compensation on Employee Performance in the Production Department of PT. EPG Jawa Timur.


Paper id: BST24160
Yunus Riansyah
Does Competencies of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Accordance With International Standards?


Paper id: 408676
I Ketut Oka Danumartha
Digital Literacy, Social Capital, Perception of Benefits That Influence Interest in Using the Gobiz Application Through Ease of Use as an Intervening Variable


Paper id: 288770
Nyoman Piliana
The Influence of Work Discipline, HR Competence, and Organizational Culture on the Performance of Tambrauw Police Personnel



We invite all participants to discuss or ask questions related to the material shared by the presenters in this forum.
The presenter and the audience can continue the discussion in this forum. Enjoy the discussion, and see you at the upcoming conference at https://bit.ly/RSF-UpcomingConference 

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