

At the 10th BEMSS Keynote Speaker Session, Prof. Dr. Ester Manik, MM. as Head of Internal Quality Assurance System at STIE Pasundan, Bandung, Indonesia, delivered a speech about The Importance of TQM Implementation in Modern Organizations to Maintain Excellence in a Complex Era. The participants were all excited to learn new insights from Prof. Dr. Ester Manik, MM. and are welcomed to share their insight or ask question in this forum. There were some questions and comments from the participants to Prof. Dr. Ester Manik, MM.:

Q1) Adinda Nuraini --> Good Morning, my name is Adinda Nuraini, I come from Indonesia, I'm a student majoring in Bachelor of Management at STIE Pasundan Bandung. First of all, I Would like to thank you for your informative presentation Ma'am. And I'm interested here in better understanding the methodology or research approach that you used in identifying gaps in knowledge and the relevance of this research to current conditions in the textile industry in Bandung. So, can you explain in more detail about your research process, Ma'am?

Q2) Via Alyza Corpuz --> My question for teacher ester is Does the TMQ apply in qualitative research?

Q3) Kriswanti Yohana --> Hello mam, my question for ma'am ester is Does the TMQ apply in qualitative research?

Q4) Ruth Manik -->  Good morning, my name is Ruth Manik I am representing as a founder agency marketing prudential insurance, Thank you Prof Ester for  informative  presentation on the impact of the pandemic on the textile industry.I am interested in your findings regarding cooperation between textile industry players, and the local government.Based on your research, can you provide further insight into concrete strategies that can enhance this collaboration?  I would also like to know, how the implementation of these recommendations, can have a positive impact in building the resilience of the textile industry in the future. Thank you.

Q5) Dr, Annita Jannah --> Good morning, I am Annita from Untag Thank Prof Ester for your very informative presentation. I would like to know more about how your research results can be applied on a broader scale, both nationally and internationally, to understand the impact of the pandemic on the textile industry. Can you explain the potential applications and implications of your research beyond the regional context?"

Q6) Ashila Dwiyanisa --> Assalamu'alaikum. Good morning! Thank you Prof Ester for sharing your knowledge. Greetings from Indonesia. My name is Ashila - STIE Pasundan Bandung Indonesia. I would like to asks some questions: How do leadership and quality policies contribute to the success of TQM? How does TQM help organizations adapt to environmental changes such as the COVID-19 pandemic? Thank you

Q7) Mr. Jojames Gaddi --> I am Mr. Gaddi from the academe in the Philippines, and I am addressing this question to Prof. Ester Manik. Thank you for sharing the content regarding TQM. I would like to ask: Is it possible to apply Total Quality Management (TQM) in school-based management? If so, how can it be applied for quality assurance?

Q8) Indri Ayu --> Good morning, my name is Indri Ayu. I come from STIE Pasundan. First of all I would like to thank you for the very informative presentation. I have a question regarding the challenges faced by lower-middle-sized companies in implementing Total Quality Management (TQM). What are the main challenges faced by lower-middle-sized companies in the implementation of TQM, and how can they overcome them to remain competitive during the COVID-19 pandemic? Thank you.

Q9) Jaka Arisandy --> Good morning, my name is Jaka Arisandy, I’am Magister Student from STIE Pasundan. I am very interested in your presentation on Total Quality Management (TQM). I want to understand more about the key factors in TQM implementation, especially why management leadership and quality policy were considered so important with a coefficient of 0.213. What makes the contribution of these two variables so significant in the TQM context?? Thank you for your presentation

 The Audience can continue the discussion in this forum. Enjoy the discussion, and see you at the upcoming conference at https://bit.ly/RSF-UpcomingConference

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