The 7th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Business, Economy, Management, and Social Studies (7th IBEMS), organized by Research Synergy Foundation, was held successfully virtually on 18 July 2023. Hundred of scholars coming from 14 countries had involved in the active scientific forum discussion. Since there were many questions and feedback from the audience to the presenter, we will continue the discussion in this forum. The first presenter is Mrs. M. Sienly Veronica from Universitas Kristen Maranatha. Her research is about the "ESG Factor Analysis of Stock Returns with Financial Performance as a Mediating Variable".



There are several questions that have been answered by the presenter from the participants below:

Q1.) Astil Harli Roslan --> Why not use eviews to use data analysis and what is the limitation of your research. Thank you

Q2.) Cindy Lavado--> Good Morning again! Cindy Lavado from Bula Integrated School, Philippines. Question to Dr. Veronica: How is it possible that financial performance has no effects on stock returns? And are there certain risks related to this ESG Factor and if there are any, what are the possible or proposed solutions for such?

Q3.) jannah --> How do ESG scores affect financial performance?

Q4.) Santi Rahmawati --> Thank for sharing Dr. Sienly.. It is interesting that based on your result, Sustainable investment practice is not implemented by investor in your research context. In fact, the global society already take the sustainable practice into consideration in many sectors. Based on your observation, how to increase the awareness of Sustainable investment practice by investor? Perhaps you can consider this topic further for the future study. Good Luck and thank you for sharing :)

There are several questions that have not been answered by the presenter from the participants below:

Q5.) Zenaida F. Jesalva --> what type of observation did you use? aside from having ROA as your basis?

Q6.) Wenhern Ralph O. OPONDA --> Question: Does the ESG Factors have a significant impact depending on the kind of business to which the company is solely engaged?

Q7.) Eurie Macazo --> Question:
Are the companies that you chose are the only companies that are qualified to be in your research? If not, why are the other companies not included?

The conference recording can be accessed at

live streaming on facebook click here

The presenter and the audience can continue the discussion in this forum. Enjoy the discussion, and see you at the upcoming conference at

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