The 7th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Business, Economy, Management, and Social Studies (7th IBEMS), organized by Research Synergy Foundation, was held successfully virtually on 18 July 2023. Hundred of scholars coming from 14 countries had involved in the active scientific forum discussion. Since there were many questions and feedback from the audience to the presenter, we will continue the discussion in this forum. The first presenter is Ms. Julien Bagtas Accad from Laguna College of Busness and Arts. Her research is about the "Component-Based Maintenance Implementation and Spare Parts Inventory Control in ABC Manufacturing".



There are several questions that have been answered by the presenter from the participants below:

Q1.) Rishirl Cuario --> How do you use your theoretical frame work in presenting your analysis of data?

Q2.) Santi Rahmawati --> Thank you for sharing Dr. Julien, may we know what is the sector and the risk level of manufacturing company that you take as research object? Is it automotive/ electronics/ house hold equipment, or? Since some sector also have higher risk in term of inventory control and its maintenance planning. Later in your full paper, you may elaborate more. All the best luck

Q3.) Juby Vallejo --> Thank you for sharing Ma'am Julien. What specific adjustments have you done in your company in terms of maintenance and inventory control based on the findings of your study?

Q4.) Cindy Lavado --> I supposed to ask the same question with Dr. Dellova, what are the implications of the study?

There are several questions that have not been answered by the presenter from the participants below:

Q5.) Zenaida F. Jesalva --> did you include some RL to compare contrast your study with ?

The conference recording can be accessed at

live streaming on facebook click here

The presenter and the audience can continue the discussion in this forum. Enjoy the discussion, and see you at the upcoming conference at

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