The 7th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Business, Economy, Management, and Social Studies (7th IBEMS), organized by Research Synergy Foundation, was held successfully virtually on 18 July 2023. Hundred of scholars coming from 14 countries had involved in the active scientific forum discussion. Since there were many questions and feedback from the audience to the presenter, we will continue the discussion in this forum. The first presenter is Mr. Akzal Zukluf Junaedi from University of Groningen. His research is about the "The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth on the Renewable Energy Consumption of ASEAN Countries".



There are several questions that have been answered by the presenter from the participants below:

Q1.) Santi Rahmawati --> Thank you for sharing Mr. Akzal.. Is there any specific reason in choosing the duration of 1990-2019 in your data? Is the pandemic situation will affect the situation in your research context?

Q2.) Catalino L. Emperio III --> Good morning sir Akzal, is there any significant relationship between the income and energy consumption among the countries of ASEAN?

Q3.) April Farell Relacion --> What are the long-term implications of foreign direct investment and economic growth on the sustainability and energy transition efforts of ASEAN countries?

Q4.) Zenaida F. Jesalva --> where did your data come from ? considering the ASEAN countries
From your study, what is the most significant factor that government should focus on to reach their energy transition goals?

Q5.) Santi Rahmawati --> Is there any similarity pattern among the ASEAN members in term of how they respond to the Renewable Energy Consumption? Since the economic growth are varied (quite huge gap), for example Singapore and Cambodia/ Laos or else.

Q6.) Yuwanda Anggik Rukmanasari --> What research method did you use in your research?

There are several questions that have not been answered by the presenter from the participants below:

Q7.) Zenaida F. Jesalva --> follow up about data for FDI's from Asean countries? do you consider sort of adjustments for FDI considerations?

Q8.) Eurie Macazo --> Question:
What asian country is the most flourishing? And what do you think is their strength against other asian countries?

The conference recording can be accessed at

live streaming on facebook click here

The presenter and the audience can continue the discussion in this forum. Enjoy the discussion, and see you at the upcoming conference at

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