9th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research on Education, Economic studies, Business and Social Sciences (9th RESBUS) was an outstanding event held on May 14, 2024.
9th RESBUS is hosted by International Women University and Research Synergy Foundation.
Hundred of scholars coming from 15+ countries had involved in the active scientific forum discussion. The discussion went smooth and there were questions coming from the participants. The Session Chair on this Breakout Room 3 Presentation Session is Ms. Steffi Yap Sze Nee from Swinburne University of Technology, Sarawak Campus, Malaysia. In the session, there are several questions coming from the participants to the presenters:
Q1) Sintia Catur Sutantri _IWU to Diah Pudjiastuti --> What are the most effective alternative dispute resolution methods for handling defamation cases through electronic media that meet the elements of intentional and unauthorized action?
Q2) Fitri Annisa Rachmah to Sintia Catur Sutantri --> How does the village government support the women’s school program so it come to sustain for the future?
Q3) Adita Wening O to Sintia Catur Sutantri --> Mrs. Cintia, What drives you doing research in Mekarmanik Village?
Q4) Suwinarno_IWU to Affan Neskisyah Ramadhan --> According to your research, how do you build a culture of tolerance in society?
Q5) Aldian Primanda to Affan Neskisyah Ramadhan --> Regarding religious tolerance, how important is it for us to tolerate each other? Do you think your government protect the citizen’s individual rights to practice their religion?
Q6) Sintia Catur Sutantri _IWU to Adita Octaviani --> Why did you choose the Pencak Silat theme? Why not other combat sports?
Q7) Adita Wening O to Fitri Annisa Rachmah --> In this research your team focus on female user, can you explain the reason why female user?
Q8) Geugeu Rimbawati to Fitri Annisa Rachmah --> You said that female are the most active user in tiktok, as for your POV why man become more “silent” in social media? Thank you
We invite all participants to discuss or ask questions related to the material shared by the presenters in this forum.
The presenter and the audience can continue the discussion in this forum. Enjoy the discussion, and see you at the upcoming conference at https://bit.ly/RSF-UpcomingConference