
At the 9th RESBUS Keynote Speaker Session, Assoc. Prof. Sylvia Nabila Azwa Ambad from Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Sabah Branch, Malaysia delivered a speech about Collaborative Frameworks: Developing Sustainable Strategies through Interdisciplinary Research. The participants were all excited to learn new insights from Assoc. Prof. Sylvia Nabila Azwa Ambad . and are welcomed to share their insight or ask question in this forum. There were some questions and comments from the participants to Assoc. Prof. Sylvia Nabila Azwa Ambad :

Q1) Dr. Mulyadi  --> This topic is too broad, what are the limitations because each scientific discipline has its own rules ?

Q2) Tien Hindasah --> How combining multiple disciplines in interdisciplinary research involves integrating complex problem

Q3) Sufiyah --> Sist you talk abt covid iam interest abt that, coz the case is include big issue in this world. if we as scholar do anything for fix this problem who is become the big decision of all wat we have do? i mean like goverment, so like about vaccine many people say that vaccine its not worth. what should goverment do for make all people believe that we need that? beside price vaccine that so high n become free in my country but have issue again that we country have loan to do that.sorry can u give me conclusion? Sorry if my english poor

Q4) Samson M. Lausa --> How do you think educational institutions leverage the requisites of collaboration to effect a transformational community-school collaborative engagement?

Q5) Aldian Primanda --> How can we effectively drawing on a collectively collaboration, if not every person were in the same boat..? There’s always individual goals too

Q6) MARY ROSE MONTANO --> What methodologies are most effective in fostering collaboration between disciplines with different research cultures and priorities?

Q7) Jawayria Najeeb --> Whom should be the major stakeholder the Private or Government sector and which sector do you prefer for your interdisciplinary work


The Audience can continue the discussion in this forum. Enjoy the discussion, and see you at the upcoming conference at https://bit.ly/RSF-UpcomingConference

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