All Posts (22)

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🎉Congratulations to the Best Paper awardees at The 8th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Business, Economy, Management, and Social Studies (8th IBEMS)

Author: Andi Irpan Badawi
Affiliation: Gadjah Mada University
Title: "The Problems of Local Salt Farming: Low Welfare of Salt Farmers and the Consequences of Neoliberalism

The award of the Best Paper is based on the meticulous review and specific criteria selected by the Conference Scientific Review Committee during the submission and review process.
Congratulations also to:
1. Nuttapon Punpugdee - Kasetsart University
2. Veronica Almase - Polytechnic University of the Philippines
3. Mei-Chun Cheung - The Chinese University of Hong Kong
For receiving the Best Presentation at the 8th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Business, Economy, Management, and Social Studies (8th IBEMS)

The Session Chairs carefully assessed all presenters based on several criteria in the assessment form to determine the Best Presentation. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all presenters who put forth their utmost efforts in delivering their research through their presentations. We applaud their remarkable accomplishment and acknowledge the importance of their research in the field.

We extend our gratitude to all participants for their valuable contributions, and we look forward to witnessing further excellence in future conferences.

#BestPaper #BestPresentation #InternationalConference #8thibems

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🎉Congratulations to the Best Paper awardees at The 9th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research on Education, Economic studies, Business and Social Sciences (9th RESBUS):
1. Author(s): Yoki Oktorian Sukardi1, Evi Sofiati2, Nurjamilah3
Affiliation: 1,2,3Business Administration Department, International Women University, Indonesia
Title: "Analysis of Factors Affecting Net Interest Margin in Foreign Banking Companies Operation in Indonesia"
2. Author(s): Rina Dwi Agustiani1, Oedjijono2, Nuraeni Ekowati3, Nanik Rahmani4
Affiliation: 1Faculty of Biology, International Women University
2,3Faculty of Biology, Jenderal Soedirman University
3Research Center for Applied Microbiology, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia
Title: "Fermentation Optimization, Purification, and Characterization of Extracellular Amylase Production by Bacillus toyonensis T10 Isolated from Canna Rhizosphere for Maltooligosaccharides Production"
The award of the Best Paper is based on the meticulous review and specific criteria selected by the Conference Scientific Review Committee during the submission and review process.
Congratulations also to:
1. Nurjamilah - International Women University
2. Sheila S. Dalumpines - St Vincent’s College Incorporated, Dipolog City, Zamboanga del Norte, Philippines
3. Yadi Mulyadi Rohman - International Women University
4. Sintia Catur Sutantri - International Women University
for receiving the Best Presentation at The 9th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research on Education, Economic studies, Business and Social Sciences (9th RESBUS)! The Session Chairs carefully assessed all presenters based on several criteria in the assessment form to determine the Best Presentation. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all presenters who put forth their utmost efforts in delivering their research through their presentations. We applaud their remarkable accomplishment and acknowledge the importance of their research in the field. We extend our gratitude to all participants for their valuable contributions, and we look forward to witnessing further excellence in future conferences.
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Congratulations to the Best Paper awardees at The 10th International Conference on Business, Economy, Management and Social Studies Towards Sustainable Economy (10th BEMSS):

Author(s): Muhsin Hasan Mohammed 1, Hashem Muhammed Abdullh Al-Argoub 2
Affiliation: 1,2 University of Mosul-College Administration and Economics, Iraq
Title: "Measuring and Analyzing Impacts of Macroeconomic Variables on Financial Sustainability in Iraq (2000-2021)"

The award of the Best Paper is based on the meticulous review and specific criteria selected by the Conference Scientific Review Committee during the submission and review process.
Congratulations also to:
1. Robbi Saepul Rahman - Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Pasundan Bandung
2. Dhea Bunga Annisa - Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Pasundan Bandung
3. Maman Oman Saepudin - Universitas Indonesia
For receiving the Best Presentation at The 10th International Conference on Business, Economy, Management and Social Studies Towards Sustainable Economy (10th BEMSS)!

The Session Chairs carefully assessed all presenters based on several criteria in the assessment form to determine the Best Presentation. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all presenters who put forth their utmost efforts in delivering their research through their presentations. We applaud their remarkable accomplishment and acknowledge the importance of their research in the field.

We extend our gratitude to all participants for their valuable contributions, and we look forward to witnessing further excellence in future conferences.

#BestPaper #BestPresentation #InternationalConference #10thbemss

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🌟 Congratulations to the Best Presentation awardees at the 4th International Conference on Language, Education and Teaching Research (4th ICLET) :

Yetti Zainil - Universitas Negeri Padang
Nguyen Phuong Mai - Vietnam National University

Congratulations for receiving the Best Presentation at the 4th International Conference on Language, Education and Teaching Research (4th ICLET)! The Session Chairs carefully assessed all presenters based on several criteria in the assessment form to determine the Best Presentation.

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all presenters who put forth their utmost efforts in delivering their research through their presentations. We applaud their remarkable accomplishment and acknowledge the importance of their research in the field. We extend our gratitude to all participants for their valuable contributions, and we look forward to witnessing further excellence in future conferences.

#BestPresentation #InternationalConference #ICLET #RSF

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Call For Discussion: Field of Education

Dear Research Colleagues,

We are open to registration for Discussion in the field of Education that held by Research Indulgence Collaborative Hub (RICH) virtually via Global Research Ecosystem Community Website platform.

Join us here:

Research Indulgence Collaborative Hub (RICH) is one of the programs offered by the Research Synergy Foundation (RSF) via Community Platform. This program is to provide a forum for discussion in order to foster critical thinking and collaboration among scholars, practitioners, and stakeholders in order to provide innovative answers to today's educational concerns.

The discussion will be place via the Discussion Group on the Global Research Ecosystem Community Website platform ( This Ecosystem Platform opens the door to a world of collaborative research, knowledge sharing, and academic empowerment.

Whether you're an ardent learner, a professional educator, a curious researcher, a forward-thinking practitioner, or simply an enthusiast eager to contribute to the development of knowledge, our platform is designed to fuel your academic endeavors.

You will be playing a significant role in discussions, sharing ideas, and engaging collaboration with participants, which will eventually be presented in the form of a published academic column and extended writing collaboration with researchers around the world.

Discussion Schedule:
• 8 Discussion Session via Website Community
• 2 Sharing Session via Zoom Meeting

Participants can expect a comprehensive array of benefits designed to enhance your academic journey:

• 1 Research Proposal
• 1 Published Academic Column
• 1 Session for Exploring Writing Collaboration with Worldwide Researchers for Publication Opportunity
• Certificate

Please be advised that the discussion leader will choose participants according to the research interests to facilitate deeper discussions and potential collaborations in the future research. All selected participants will be sent a link to the discussion group via email.

Join us here:

Best regards,
Research Indulgence Collaborative Hub (RICH)

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Congratulations to the Best Paper awardees at 3rd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research for Sustainable Innovation (3rd ICMRSI):

1. Title: “Parenting Styles and Cognitive Autonomy Among Indonesian Adolescents“

Author: Suhaya Havisza Wachyudi1, Fredrick Dermawan Purba2,3, Fitri Ariyanti Abidin2,4

Affiliation: 1Postgraduate Science Psychology Study Programme, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Padjadjaran, 2Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Padjadjaran, 3Center for Innovations and Psychological Research, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Padjadjaran, 4Center for Family Life and Parenting Studies, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Padjadjaran


  1. Title: “Design of a Property Product Recommendation System Using Association Rule Method Based on User Interaction Patterns“

Author: Susi Wagiyati Purtiningrum1, Yudi Irawan Chandra2*, Dian Gustina3, Nafisah Yuliani4, Fahrul Nurzaman5, Jhonny Z.A6, Agus Wismo7

Affiliation: 1,3,4,5,6,7Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Jakarta STI&K, Jakarta, Indonesia


  1. Title: “Robust Design Liquid Black Garlic Supplement Production System By Considering Hazard Analysis And Critical Control Points“

Author: Bonny Agung Wahyuono1,2, Mokh. Suef1, Putu Dana Karningsih1, Edy Marwanta2, Nidaru Ainul Fikri1

Affiliation: 1Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Indonesian, 2National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia


 Congratulations also to:

Cut Meutia Faradilla - Universitas Syiah Kuala

Choirul Anwar - Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Chrisfela Wulandari - University of Riau

Muhammad Robbie Awaludin - IAI Sahid Bogor

Toto Widyanto - Institut Sains dan Teknologi Al Kamal, Jakarta

Hendriadi - Universitas Hasanuddin

Yanu Prasetyo - National Research & Innovation Agency

Yudi Irawan Chandra - Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Jakarta STI&K

Rudy Sutadi - Psikologi Persada Indonesia UPI YAI

Dewi Syukriah - Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I

Ummu Ajirah Abdul Rauf - Graduate School of Business, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Azkiya Nisa - Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I

Ni Ken Ritchie - Akademi Bakti Kemanusiaan

Hamka Halkam - Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI

Indah Prihatiningtyas D.S - Mulawarman University

Titien Yusnita - Institut Agama Islam Sahid Bogor


for receiving the Best Presentation at 3rd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research for Sustainable Innovation (3rd ICMRSI)! The Session Chairs carefully assessed all presenters based on several criteria in the assessment form to determine the Best Presentation.

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all presenters who put forth their utmost efforts in delivering their research through their presentations. We applaud their remarkable accomplishment and acknowledge the importance of their research in the field. We extend our gratitude to all participants for their valuable contributions, and we look forward to witnessing further excellence in future conferences.

#research #conference #GlobalScholars #scholars #UPIYAI #RSF #IAISAHID #ABKPMI #internationalconference #virtualconference #3rdICMRSI

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🌟 Congratulations to the Best Presentation awardees at the 4th International Conference on Language, Education and Teaching Research (4th ICLET) :

Yetti Zainil - Universitas Negeri Padang
Nguyen Phuong Mai - Vietnam National University

Congratulations for receiving the Best Presentation at the 4th International Conference on Language, Education and Teaching Research (4th ICLET)! The Session Chairs carefully assessed all presenters based on several criteria in the assessment form to determine the Best Presentation.

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all presenters who put forth their utmost efforts in delivering their research through their presentations. We applaud their remarkable accomplishment and acknowledge the importance of their research in the field. We extend our gratitude to all participants for their valuable contributions, and we look forward to witnessing further excellence in future conferences.

#BestPresentation #InternationalConference #ICLET #RSF

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Congratulations to the Best Paper awardees at International Psychology Conference on Mental Health and Resilience (IPC-MHR):

1. Title: "The Resilience of Smart ABA (Smart Applied Behavior Analysis) Therapist for ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) Children: A Study on Muslim Therapists"

Author: Rudy Sutadi1, Eva Meizara Puspita Dewi2, Alam Zeb Khattak3, Arneliza4

Affiliation: 1,4Doctoral Program, Faculty of Psychology, Persada Indonesia, UPI YAI, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2Faculty of Psychology, Makassar State University, 3Faculty of Psychology IQRA National University Peshawar, Pakistan


2. Title: "Exploring Ibn Taimiyyah’s Model of Psychological Resilience in the Light of Islam and Psychology"

Author: Sayema Zulfeqar

Affiliation: Cambridge Muslim College, UK

The award of the Best Paper is based on the meticulous review and specific criteria selected by the Conference Scientific Review Committee during the submission and review process.


Congratulations also to:

  1. Dr. Lilim Halimah - Universitas Islam Bandung
  2. Sayema Zulfeqar - Cambridge Muslim College
  3. Duna Izfanna - Universitas Darunnajah
  4. Husain Zahrul Muhsinin - Universitas Darussalam Gontor
  5. Sely Astuti - Universitas Islam Bandung
  6. Mimi Fitriana - International University of Malaya-Wales, Malaysiag

for receiving the Best Presentation at International Psychology Conference on Mental Health and Resilience (IPC-MHR)! The Session Chairs carefully assessed all presenters based on several criteria in the assessment form to determine the Best Presentation.

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all presenters who put forth their utmost efforts in delivering their research through their presentations. We applaud their remarkable accomplishment and acknowledge the importance of their research in the field. We extend our gratitude to all participants for their valuable contributions, and we look forward to witnessing further excellence in future conferences.

#BestPaper #BestPresentation #InternationalConference #IPCMHR #RSF

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[ONSITE EVENT] RSF Goes to Philippines - International Service Program 2024

🌐✨Unlock the Gateway to Global Collaboration: RSVP Now!✨🌐

Dear Esteemed University Representative,

🌟 Embark on a Journey of Global Excellence with Research Synergy Foundation! 🌟

Elevate your university's global presence by participating in an exclusive event hosted by Research Synergy Foundation (RSF), the digital social enterprise platform shaping the future of Research Ecosystems worldwide spanning 965 institutions across 85 countries.

🚀 Collaboration Highlights:
a. International Conferences in 2024
b. Collaborate on Research and Scientific Projects
c. Scientific and Academic Coaching Program

🗓 Save the Date:
Day/Date: Saturday, 2 March 2024
Time: 09.00 AM - 03.00 PM
Location: JPL Hall of Freedom Building, Lyceum University Manila

🌐 Exclusive Invitation for Philippines Universities:
This opportunity is tailor-made for our esteemed partners in the Philippines. As a token of appreciation for your continued partnership, this event is FREE for your delegation.

🎫 Secure Your Spot:
Kindly confirm your attendance by 18 February 2024 through the following link:

📌 Event Details Poster:
For a sneak peek into what awaits, check out our event posters:

📲 Stay Connected:
Instagram (@researchsynergyfoundation), Facebook (Research Synergy Foundation), or reach out to us on WhatsApp at +628112317334.

🌍 Your Global Journey Begins Here!
Participate in this enriching event, where insights, knowledge-sharing, and international collaboration opportunities converge. We eagerly anticipate your presence, as together, we shape a future of boundless academic possibilities.

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Congratulations to the Best Paper awardees at Jakarta International Conference on Research Innovation and Sustainable Development (JICRISD 2023):

Author: Eduard Sinaga, Adrid Indaryanto, Bambang Dwi Harijadi

Affiliation: Human Resource Development Program Postgraduate School, Airlangga University, Indonesia

Title: “The Role of Information Technology in Supporting Dynamic Managerial Capabilities Supply Chain in Oil and Gas Construction Projects


The award of the Best Paper is based on the meticulous review and specific criteria selected by the Conference Scientific Review Committee during the submission and review process.

Congratulations also to:

  1. Lina Ayu Marcelina - Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta
  2. Ika Citra Dewi - Universitas Islam Bandung
  3. Lusiana Rahmawati - Politeknik Negeri Semarang for receiving the Best Presentation at Jakarta International Conference on Research Innovation and Sustainable Development (JICRISD 2023)! The Session Chairs carefully assessed all presenters based on several criteria in the assessment form to determine the Best Presentation.

    We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all presenters who put forth their utmost efforts in delivering their research through their presentations. We applaud their remarkable accomplishment and acknowledge the importance of their research in the field. We extend our gratitude to all participants for their valuable contributions, and we look forward to witnessing further excellence in future conferences.

#BestPaper #BestPresentation #InternationalConference #JICRISD2023 #RSF

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Congratulations to the Best Paper awardees at The International Halal Science and Technology Conference 2023 (IHSATEC): 16th Halal Science Industry and Business (HASIB):

1.  Author: Syeda Areebaa, Noor Fatimab, Duaa Mughala, Shakil Ahmedc, Ishtiaq Ahmed Khand

Affiliation: University of Karachi, Pakistan

Title: “Detection and Quantification of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in Halal Food Products by qPCR method— Utilization of GMO Positive Cabbage Seeds

2. Author: Ferdi Zanuar Azan, Nunung Nurhayati, Ahlis Fatoni

Affiliation: Bandung Islamic University, Indonesia and International Islamic University/Islamic Banking and Finance, Malaysia

Title: “Advancing Indonesia's Rice Industry: Embracing Tayyib Principles Beyond Halal

The award of the Best Paper is based on the meticulous review and specific criteria selected by the Conference Scientific Review Committee during the submission and review process.

Congratulations also to:

  1. Wila Munaowaroh - The Halal Science Center Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
  2. Tuanyasmin Saerae - The Halal Science Center Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
  3. Mageswari Ranjanthran - Sunway University
  4. Usman Mir Khan - University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
  5. Sithy NY - Department of Environmental Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
  6. Habilla Chapakiya - The Halal Science Center Chulalongkorn University, Thailand for receiving the Best Presentation at The International Halal Science and Technology Conference 2023 (IHSATEC): 16th Halal Science Industry and Business (HASIB)! The Session Chairs carefully assessed all presenters based on several criteria in the assessment form to determine the Best Presentation.

    We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all presenters who put forth their utmost efforts in delivering their research through their presentations. We applaud their remarkable accomplishment and acknowledge the importance of their research in the field. We extend our gratitude to all participants for their valuable contributions, and we look forward to witnessing further excellence in future conferences.

#BestPaper #BestPresentation #InternationalConference #IHSATEC #THAILANDHALAL

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Congratulations to the Best Paper awardees at The International Conference on Science and Humaniora (ICE-ScienceHUM):

1. Author: Sook Fern Yeo, Cheng Ling Tan, Kah Boon Lim, Anushia Chelvarayan, Xiao Tong Neo
- Faculty of Business, Multimedia University, Malaysia
- Department of Business Administration, Daffodil International University, Bangladesh
- Graduate School of Business, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
- Department of Information Technology & Management, Daffodil International University, Bangladesh
- Faculty of Business, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Title: “Enhancing Consumer Satisfaction with Fitness Tracker Watches: An Exploration of Key Influencing Factor”

2. Author: Almira Belinda Zainsjah, Ira Adriati, Nuning Yanti Damayanti
Affiliation: Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Title: “Classification of ITB Bachelor of Visual Arts Students' Theses Based on Premodern Themes”
The award of the Best Paper is based on the meticulous review and specific criteria selected by the Conference Scientific Review Committee during the submission and review process.

Congratulations also to:
1. Aditya Permana - Universitas Kristen Maranatha
2. Kah Boon Lim - Multimedia University, Malaysia
3. Indah Soca Retno Kuntari - Universitas Kristen Maranatha
4. Sook Fern Yeo - Faculty of Business, Multimedia University, Malaysia
5. Veronica Sarcino Almase - Polytechnic University Of The Philippines - Ragay Branch for receiving the Best Presentation at The International Conference on Science and Humaniora (ICE-ScienceHUM)!

The Session Chairs carefully assessed all presenters based on several criteria in the assessment form to determine the Best Presentation. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all presenters who put forth their utmost efforts in delivering their research through their presentations. We applaud their remarkable accomplishment and acknowledge the importance of their research in the field.

We extend our gratitude to all participants for their valuable contributions, and we look forward to witnessing further excellence in future conferences.

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Congratulations to the Best Paper awardees at Bakrie International Conference on Communication, Management, Politics & Accounting (BICOMPACT 2023):
1. Author: Achmad Fauzi, Jurica Lucyanda, Fadil Permana, Tifani Margaretha, Mila Novita
Affiliation: Accounting Department, Bakrie University
Title: “The Role of Auditor Independence, Professionalism, Skepticism, and Organizational Culture on Auditor Performance”
2. Author: Ni Putu Purmayanti, Kadek Enik Suyantini, Kadek Juli Ardani, Dominica A. Widyastuti, Holila Hatta
Affiliation: Bakrie University
Title: “HECARE: Sustainability Start-Up Innovation Based on Circular Economy Through Processing Food Waste into Products with High Use Value”

The award of the Best Paper is based on the meticulous review and specific criteria selected by the Conference Scientific Review Committee during the submission and review process.

Congratulations also to:
Nur Edi Nomalisa - Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Dwi Anggia Ritmadhini - Bakrie University
Arief B Suharko - Bakrie University
Muhammad Taufiq Amir - Bakrie University
Charis Taga - Bakrie University
Zahra Aulia Zen - Bakrie University

for receiving the Best Presentation at Bakrie International Conference on Communication, Management, Politics & Accounting (BICOMPACT 2023)! The Session Chairs carefully assessed all presenters based on several criteria in the assessment form to determine the Best Presentation.

Congratulations also to:
Best Student: Amara Farah Tahar - Bakrie University
Runner Up 1 Best Student: Iksan Adityo Mulyo - Bakrie University
Runner Up 2 Best Student: Ratu Anggin Dewi Fortuna - Bakrie University
Runner Up 3 Best Student: Ammara Tuhfahhani - Bakrie University

for receiving the Best Student Achievement at Bakrie International Conference on Communication, Management, Politics & Accounting (BICOMPACT 2023) We applaud their remarkable accomplishment and acknowledge the importance of their research in the field. We extend our gratitude to all participants for their valuable contributions, and we look forward to witnessing further excellence in future conferences.
#BestPaper #BestPresentation #BestStudentAchievement #InternationalConference #BICOMPACT

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🏆🎉Congratulations to Victor Isaacs, for receiving the Best Presentation at The 8th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research on Education, Economic Studies, Business and Social Sciences (8th RESBUS) Virtual Conference held on November 6, 2023! 🏆🎉

The Session Chairs carefully assessed all presenters based on several criteria in the assessment form to determine the Best Presentation. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all presenters who put forth their utmost efforts in delivering their research through their presentations. Of the exceptional presentations, Victor Isaacs. His presentation stood out as the best.

We applaud their remarkable accomplishment and acknowledge the importance of their research in the field. We extend our gratitude to all participants for their valuable contributions, and we look forward to witnessing further excellence in future conferences.

#RESBUSConference #InternationalConference #BestPaper #BestPresentation

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🎉Congratulations to the Best Paper awardees at The International Conference of Sustainable Transportation and Safety Management (ICSTSM):
1. Author: Awel Suryadi, Pritha Kurniasih, William Cahyo Paringhan
Affiliation: Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
Title: “Efforts to Overcome Environmental Damage Due to the Mining of the
Octopus 1 Tin Suction Vessel in Matras Waters, Bangka Islands”
2. Author: Iksiroh El Husna, Nenik Kholilah, Sarifuddin, Anissofiah Azise Wijinurhayati, Widya Putri Idayatma
Affiliation: Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang and Universitas Diponegoro
Title: “The Impact of Sea Transportation on Environmental Health”
The award of the Best Paper is based on the meticulous review and specific criteria selected by the Conference Scientific Review Committee during the submission and review process.
Congratulations also to:
1. Andy Wahyu Hermanto - Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
2. Awel Suryadi - Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
3. Hadhitya Herjuna - Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
4. Gembong Satria Negara - Universitas Maritim AMNI Semarang
5. Romanda Annas Amrullah - Surabaya Merchant Marine Polytechnic
6. Latifa Ika Sari - Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
7. Dede Rikasari - Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang
8. Andi Prasetiawan - Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang for receiving the Best Presentation at The International Conference of Sustainable Transportation and Safety Management (ICSTSM)! The Session Chairs carefully assessed all presenters based on several criteria in the assessment form to determine the Best Presentation. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all presenters who put forth their utmost efforts in delivering their research through their presentations. We applaud their remarkable accomplishment and acknowledge the importance of their research in the field. We extend our gratitude to all participants for their valuable contributions, and we look forward to witnessing further excellence in future conferences.
#BestPaper #BestPresentation #InternationalConference #ICSTSM

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🎉Congratulations to the Best Paper awardees at The International Conference on Economics, Business, Science, and Technology (ICE-BEST):
1. Author: Ilhamsyah, Lela Nurlaela Wati, and Etty Puji Lestari
Affiliation: Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia and Universitas Teknologi Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia
Title: “The Role of Tax Incentives as A Fiscal Stimulus to the
Tax Base and Income Tax Revenue Realization”
2. Author: Nur Laili Ab Ghani, Noraini Mohd Ariffin, and Abdul Rahim Abdul Rahman
Affiliation: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, International Islamic University Malaysia, and Universiti Poly-tech Malaysia
Title: “The Effectiveness of Internal Control System: An analysis in Malaysian Islamic Financial Institutions”
The award of the Best Paper is based on the meticulous review and specific criteria selected by the Conference Scientific Review Committee during the submission and review process.
Congratulations also to:
1. Nur Laili Ab Ghani - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
2. Jean Paolo Gomez Lacap - City College of Angeles
3. Joycelyn Dayrit - Holy Angel University
4. Mr. Celeste Racelis Lucero - Ateneo de Davao University
5. Ruruh Wuryani - Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta
6. Nedi Hendri - Universitas Lampung
7. Prof. Ma. Elena Cortez Estebal - Technological Institute of the Philippines
8. Nova Tri Romadloni - Muhammadiyah University of Karanganyar
9. Nurul Hudaeni - Universitas Teknologi Muhammadiyah Jakarta for receiving the Best Presentation at The International Conference on Economics, Business, Science, and Technology (ICE-BEST)! The Session Chairs carefully assessed all presenters based on several criteria in the assessment form to determine the Best Presentation. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all presenters who put forth their utmost efforts in delivering their research through their presentations. We applaud their remarkable accomplishment and acknowledge the importance of their research in the field. We extend our gratitude to all participants for their valuable contributions, and we look forward to witnessing further excellence in future conferences.
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Congratulations to the Best Paper awardees at The 2023 International Conference of UNAIR Postgraduate School (ICPS 2023):
1. Author: Ni Nyoman Clara Listya Dewi, Tunjung Wijanarka
Affiliation: Universitas Udayana
Title: “Green Financing Scheme for Supporting Women in Energy Transition”
2. Author: Salmiwati Othman, Aida Hanim A.Hamid, and Mohd Izham Mohd
Affiliation: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Title: Women Academic Voices on Organisational Climate Leader's Views in Malaysia's Public Universities
The award of the Best Paper is based on the meticulous review and specific criteria selected by the Conference Scientific Review Committee during the submission and review process.
Congratulations also to:
1. Andita Sayekti - Universitas Airlangga
2. Mochamad Nasiruddin - Universitas Airlangga
3. Novika Candra Astuti - Universitas Widyatama
4. Rico Tedyono - Universitas Airlangga
5. Mohammed Najib Almansoob - Universitas Airlangga
6. David Raditya Soehartono - Universitas Airlangga
7. Agni Shanti Mayangsari - Universitas Airlangga
8. Vanessa Gaffar - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
9. Salmiwati Othman - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
10. Asep Irpan Rosadi - Universitas Airlangga Surabaya
11. Crista Fialdila Suryanto - Institut Teknologi Bandung
12. Lucia Trisni Widhianingtanti - S3 PSDM Universitas Airlangga for receiving the Best Presentation at The 2023 International Conference of UNAIR Postgraduate School (ICPS 2023)! The Session Chairs carefully assessed all presenters based on several criteria in the assessment form to determine the Best Presentation. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all presenters who put forth their utmost efforts in delivering their research through their presentations. We applaud their remarkable accomplishment and acknowledge the importance of their research in the field. We extend our gratitude to all participants for their valuable contributions, and we look forward to witnessing further excellence in future conferences.
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In these uncertain times, businesses are facing unprecedented challenges. Amidst the pandemic, the significance of tax services provided by accounting firms persists universally. These services play a crucial role in assisting business owners in meeting the stringent demands imposed by tax regulatory authorities.12164089266?profile=RESIZE_710x12164089280?profile=RESIZE_710x12164088896?profile=RESIZE_710xRead more:

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🏆🎉 Congratulations to Dr. Dzurizah Ibrahim have been honored with the Best Presentation award at the 7th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Business, Economy, Management, and Social Studies (7th IBEMS) Virtual Conference held on July 18, 2023, for their remarkable paper titled "Life after Retirement: Cultivsting a Resilience Strategy"! 🏆🎉
The Session Chairs carefully assessed all presenters based on several criteria in the assessment form to determine the Best Presentation. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all presenters who put forth their utmost efforts in delivering their research through their presentations. Of the exceptional presentations, Dr. Dzurizah Ibrahim's presentation stood out as the best.
We applaud their remarkable accomplishment and acknowledge the importance of their research in the field. We extend our gratitude to all participants for their valuable contributions, and we look forward to witnessing further excellence in future conferences.

#BestPresentation #InternationalConference #7thIBEMS #ibems #business #economy #management #socialstudies



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